Transcending our circumstances....

A journey unfolding...a business model of the 21st Century being revealed...a family transformed....a passion ignited...a calling discovered....a company that will change the world...a legacy begins. I am a stand for ordinary people leading an extraordinary life. This is my story.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I woke up today and my first thought was "it's here!"  It being a whole new year.  A fresh start.  A new beginning. The first day of the best of our lives. A brave new world.  I love the first day of each new year- total possibility stretches ahead-full of promise, surprises and amazing new adventures!  All the mistakes of the past year seem long ago, challenges are blurry and less daunting, hurts less painful, failures fade into the distance.  January 1st of every year is a day where we can all truly stand in the place of excited anticipation, renewed hope, fresh inspiration and an inner sense of getting back on our path...maybe finding a new path or changing the course of our journey.  I mean, really, we can "begin again" anytime we want.  In my life I "start again" several times a day!  Change my mindset, change my life in that moment is a runner for me.  But that's me- I tend to look at life as a fun game and I get to make, break and change the rules as I go.  (Yes, this does make living with me interesting (others say hard, but that's such a harsh statement)  to live with...but it's been a winning formula for me thus far...) 
The magic of January 1, 2011 lies in our ability to envision the next year.  What will we create this year?  What is our "vision" of our life?  This is such a fun, exciting process...writing down our goals, creating a mission statement for our life, defining our purpose, dreaming, sharing our vision with others...challenging our beliefs...getting out of our comfort zones, getting honest, deciding to take a stand for our dreams...being brave...changing course...stepping up...stepping many intense, life decisions get launched on January 1st!  I feel the energy all around me!  I've spoken to dozens of friends today and was honored to hear their dreams, their aspirations, their vision for 2011!!  So many of us have decided to make 2011 "OUR YEAR!"  a year where we are committed, NO MATTER WHAT, to seeing our deepest desires manifest in our lives!  It's so inspiring to me that I know in my heart that each of us can have, be or do ANYTHING we want if we make the decision, write it down and then move towards it every single day with focus and emotion!  What power! 
2010 held so many wonderful memories for me, as well as the most painful one of losing my Mom.  I have learned some incredible lessons- my habits create my life, living on purpose is the path to happiness, true leadership consists of serving others and contributing to the lives of others, to thine own self be true, running is my therapy, anything is possible, miracles are everywhere, laughter is an instant energy shifter, best friends are soul mates, my thoughts become my world and to walk our own truth in this life can be scary at times, and even unpopular- but in the end, it's the only way to find peace and happiness in our own hearts. This is what I know to be true.
In 2011  I am elevating my game!  I want more!  My new desires have sprung from goals I've attained and new thoughts I'm thinking! I have no limits in 2011!!  I am surrounded by positive people who are on a mission to change the world and together we are doing just that! 
Today I was running my 9.2 mile loop around my neighborhood . It's my "thinking circle run" and I've had many inspired thoughts come to me on this run over the years.  Today, as I came down Lapla Road, this amazing golden sunlight  was flickering all around me.  The world seemed to be still.  The scenery around me was movie-like, perfect, everything was just right.  In that moment, I felt it.  That ah-ha feeling where you are privy to life's's all a miracle.  Everywhere.  All around us...each of us is surrounding by miracles.  Our wants, needs, dreams and  desires are all ready to be ours- it's just up to us to choose them.  Allow them into our lives.  Accept the fact that we are all worthy and deserving of everything we desire.  Isn't that a fun concept?  Think on that for a minute.  All of us, and I do mean everyone, deserves to be completely and blissfully happy.  Are you?  Are you living your life to the fullest?  Are you inspired?  Lit up?  In love with your life?  If yes, great!  Isn't life grand?!  If not, why?  What would you change?  Why not change it?  This is our life.  No re-do's.  Not a dress rehearsal.  Each day is a gift- we hear that all the time, but do we "get it."   If 2011 was your last year on Earth, how would you live it?  Who would you be spending your time with?  What would you be doing?  What would you share with others?  What would your days look like?
Reflecting on last year is a powerful way to make a new plan for this year.  Decide now what you want your 2011 to look like.  What new habits will you put into your daily routine so that you can create more health, more success, more happiness in your life?  What thoughts will you let run through your mind?  What books will you read? (I have some great ones listed at the bottom of this blog.)  What friends will you hang with?  What will you allow in your life?  What will you let fall away?  People spend more time planning a vacation than they do designing their lives!!  Have fun with this!  Decide right now to design the life you want for 2011.  Why not?  You've everything to gain and a whole, delicious year to devour!! 
Personally, I am looking forward to a year of learning to speak Italian, learning to play our new baby grand piano, traveling globally with my company, competing in horse shows with my daughter and our horses, deepening friendships, running competitively (yes Gail and Doug- we need to pick a race...) dedicating myself to my business team with super-charged energy, finishing my book,  and having over the top fun times with my family and friends...that's what I've come up with today!  Tomorrow I am going to a friend's house to watch the sun rise and the three of us are going to write out our visions and specific goals for 2011 together, so watch out- there's no telling what amazing decisions will come out of that session!
I know that this is a transformational year in my life.  An epic year.  My hope is that for everyone reading this, you decide to make 2011 a juicy, exciting, shake it up and live it up type of year where you skid into 2012 thinking, "Wow! That was a great ride!  What's next?!"

It's always an honor to be on this journey with you. Discover your path by asking the questions...all of our answers are out there....

Forever a seeker,

Friday, October 22, 2010

As our lives unfold....

Do you ever wake up and did I get here?  Is this the path I am destined to be on?  Is this my best life?  I don't know about you, but I do.  I ponder my choices.  I look for signs that I am, indeed, living my best life- making a difference, contributing to the lives of others, showing up for life with integrity and passion.  I know that past choices are manifesting now as my reality and my future is unfolding thanks to the thoughts I am thinking right now and the way I am feeling about my life.  It all starts with our thinking.  The tapes that we play in our heads, the questions we repeatedly ask about ourselves- am I worthy?  Do I deserve to be loved?  Do I ask for too much? Do I deserve outrageous success?  Is it all going to work out?  These questions lead to the thoughts that lead to our actions that lead to how our lives show up.

 Our feelings, vibrating out into the world, are a magnetic force that attracts more of the same into our lives.  This is why I put a high priority on enjoying each & every day.  When I wake up in the morning I lay in bed and look out the window at the gorgeous leaves on the trees- all red and orange and yellow and I mentally catalog things I am grateful for.  I feel my gratitude swelling with thoughts of past experiences, cherished moments, fun surprises, dreams that became reality, family, friends, much to be happy about.  Once that feeling is secure in my heart, I start my day...

My journey for the past three years has been intense to say the least.  (Please read "A Life Transformed" if you're new to my blog.)  I have had some major, personal "Ah-ha" moments that I have shared with many.  Things that I was ashamed of, failures, fears...I have put it all out in the open with the intention of helping others who are on their journey find strength in the truth & find hope from the core truth of my story, which is this- from where ever we stand in this moment, we can do, be or have anything we can imagine.   We must be brave.  We must get clear on what it is we truly want out of life.  We must be ready for...our best life!!

Today I am looking at my life and I am overwhelmed with gratitude.  I love my life's work of helping people live their best life, all while surrounded by and working along side people I love and respect.  If you could ever visualize a Utopian career or work situation... I am living it.  Networking with like minded people, rallying behind people who are making major life shifts, sharing in peoples' success, being mentored by outstanding leaders and passing that knowledge on to others...truly making a difference in other peoples' lives.   It's life-affirming to say the least!!  There is NO limit to the amount of love we can share with the world.  There is no ceiling on what we can accomplish when we join forces and move forward together as a united group.  It's all about choosing.  Everything is possible!  I just love that!!!!

So, today I am choosing my thoughts & feelings wisely and consciously.  I expect only the best to show up in my life.  I am trusting that my path is unfolding as it should and I am on the lookout for signs that affirm that miracles truly are everywhere in my life!  

What are your thoughts today?  How are you feeling?  If you're waiting for your life to be great and THEN you'll feel good, well, sorry reader, but you may be waiting a long time.

Choose to feel amazing right now.  Find something to think about that brings you joy and operate from that vibrational point.  See what happens....

This is our life.  Each day is a gift.  No regrets.  Live large.  Love passionately.  Go for your dream!  Make the move.  Be brave.  Have faith.  Feel amazing today.  Laugh until you cry.  Surprise someone.  Do it "just because."  

On the journey with you,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's our mind set that matters....

"I am an extraordinary person in an ordinary world."

Does that sound boastful?  Let me fill in some details so that we can be on the same page.  I am finishing up the book, "The Compassionate Samurai" by Brian Klemmer  and have made a 100% commitment to myself, my family, Joe and my life that I will settle for nothing less than extraordinary results in all areas of my life!  Sounds like a tall order, doesn't it?  Yup, to me too and now that I'm putting it IN WRITING and out to the world, gulp, it really shouts TALL ORDER!!  (That little voice that torments me when I'm not directing my thoughts is chirping...."Now everyone can watch and monitor and SEE when you fall short!  Good going, Einstein!" )  No worries, this is what it's all about! 

Lucky for me that nowadays I am creating my own world through my thoughts and my words.  Have you been doing this yourself?  I learned of  a powerful tool that I implement into my everyday success rituals.  It goes like this...start with the words I am... The words I am are the two most powerful words in the language.  The subconscious takes any sentence that starts with the words I am and interprets it as a command- a directive to make it happen!  Isn't that what we're looking for?  To make things happen?

So, back to being extraordinary....I think back to the life I was experiencing only three years ago and as I read back in my journal from those days I am saddened by the state of affairs of my mind.  My mindset was focused on everything that was wrong around me, with me, every possible atrocity that could go wrong in the future, every failure, every hurt, every injustice, on and on I droned about the depressing state of my life.  There was no gratitude, or very minimal.  There was no "possibility of a better future..." conversation going on.  My thoughts and words had deep roots in my depressing "circumstances" and boy, misery loves a good sob story to keep the bad times flowing!

Here's what I have learned since- Problems and challenging times are not a bad thing.  They help us mature into phenomenal people and also activate our power to choose in life.  We are never without the ability to make choices in our lives.  Never. (If you're in challenging times right now, please re-read the paragraph you just read.)

Your mindset starts with deciding.  Decide what it is you want in life.  And reader, I mean really want in life.  What can you think about having, being or doing that brings tears of joy to your eyes?  Think on it, think on it...There!  That!  That is your "why." That crazy thought that just passed through your mind while you were reading my words, but your subconscious was processing my question....that thought of writing a novel, living in Italy, running your own camp, starting an animal shelter, moving to a new city, designing your own line of clothes, starting a new home-based business....that's what I'm talking about. Not the reasonable, safe future.  No, no.  That's for ordinary people.  You, my dear reader, are aspiring for more!  Yell YES!  Right now!  Do it before you read on.  Yell YES to life and YES to living it on your terms!  Your new mind set starts right in this moment!  Your "why" is your inspiration for moving forward on your journey with focus, attention, passion and zero distraction.

With a totally focused mind you are on a mission.  Your life now has a vision, a purpose.  Now you can create and design your life, rather than living by default.  Knowing what you want, having a clear picture in your mind making a bold statement to those around you- this is walking the talk of a purpose driven student of life!  You are now in the drivers seat and get to direct your life where to go!  Feels nice, yes?

We don't achieve things just by reading.  Now, reader, is the time to take action!  Take out a piece of paper and start writing.  Free flow your thoughts onto the paper- what do you want your life to look like?  Next month?  Next year?  In 2020?  Then get specific.  Where will you be living?  What will you be doing?  With whom?  What relationships will you be valuing in your life?  Where will you be putting your precious time and effort?  What friendships deserve your attention? How much weight will you lose?  By when?  Write it all down- everything you want!  Every desire!  Getting clear on what you want is the first step in creating a new mind set.

Next, spend time with people who nurture and stimulate your mind set with positive energy.  Work with people who encourage you to live your best life!  This is why I love my life so much.  I am surrounded now, today, through my own choices, with people who love, respect and encourage me to live my best life!  They cheer my successes and honor my success!  In the mind set of abundance, success abounds for all!   I am grateful for all that I have, but the juice in life is always the next level, isn't it?  How many more people can we serve?  How many lives can be turned into dream lives?  This is the beauty of network marketing- it's only through contribution and serving that one's one success can soar!  It truly is the perfect, pay-it-forward system of business!  The mind set of our industry, as practiced in our company, honors all that I have come to believe in.

The mind set of our team, as a whole, is amazing!  The synergistic power of teamwork is the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of individual  parts.  This is why we are soaring together as a team...our combined talents, strengths and positive mind set magnify the energy of our group at such a high frequency- it's an unstoppable force that is rippling and attracting many more like-minded people.  Just imagine the contribution to the world we are creating! 

You, reader, are the sole creator of your life experience.  Everything that has happened to you, with you, for you and against you right up until this moment is all because I know, it's a big pill to swallow.  But choke it down, trust me, it's worth it.  With that said, that means that it is also within our power to turn it all around and with the POWER OF OUR MIND, create the life we know we deserve to live. 

It is the thoughts that you think, the images you replay, the conversation that runs through your mind like a movie, over and over and over again....this is what's creating the "reality" that you wake up to each day.  What are you thinking about?  What do you talk about?  Complaining much?  There's a surefire way to keep re-living that misery.

What if???

You started imagining your life working out beautifully?
You started a business and took a leap of faith that this time huge success was yours?
You wrote down an affirmation and read it twice a day for 21 days?
You created a mission statement/life purpose statement and shared it with people so they could hold you accountable?
You created a gratitude journal and wrote down 1 thing everyday that you were grateful for?
You created a dream board and visualized your dream life?  Dream House?  Dream weight?  Dream vacation?  Then kept it somewhere where you could see it often?
You started writing your book?
You made a commitment to yourself that you are worth it? The big "it!"
What if you could have fun while creating a multi-million dollar business?
What if you believed that you can have/be/do anything that you set your mind to???

Your mind set is your life.  You have the power, in this very instant, to decide. 

I changed my mind set and today I can tell you confidently,
"I am an extraordinary person in an ordinary world!"

Now, what will you tell the world?

"The best way to predict your future it to create it."  -Stephen Covey

Always inspired,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A New Season

There is a natural flow to all things.  The world we live in has a rhythm. An ebb and flow.  We are flowing from Summer into Fall and it's a beautiful transition to witness.  It's a free flowing zone where the right things happen at the right time. This is the zone I am in right now.  (For the moment, as a "student" I continue to take two steps forward and three steps back!)  So before I step back, ha ha, I want to share some thoughts on this topic.  Words, ideas & raw emotions are fresh and dashing through my mind like electric currents of inspiration....It is, by the way, why I write.

 My life has taken such a turn for the better in the past few years.  From the depths of despair, fear and self-pity, I have put on my finest pair of big girl panties and really turned my life around.  In so many ways, hitting "rock bottom" was such a blessing.  How else would I have found out what I'm really made of?  How else, except being brought to tears and rocking myself into a state of calm could I have the depth of compassion that I now have?  How else, than to be caught stealing money from my six year old son to buy  groceries could I know the burn of shame and feel the switch of conviction, that gut-twisting thought that screams "Enough is enough!"  All of these past experiences and so called "hardships" were really such a necessary and now cherished part of my journey.  Trust me though, reader, I hardly thought that at the time.  I never once thought, "Wow, this being broke and depressed and feeling like a massive failure is going to make a great story someday!"  Not while you're in it.  Remember, hind sight is always 20/20.

Those days, which are only two years behind me, are quite fresh and vivid.  Those experiences  pushed me to look at a "new way of being."  I used to be very attached to one way of thinking.  Things were right, or they were wrong.  I went through life very tightly wound and very much a believer that I was in control.  There was no ease or trust  in my world.  There was no success without giving up something dear to obtain it.  There was no way to "have it all" and find success, happiness, peace and still keep my sanity.  I lived in a world of either/ or.  There was never both. These beliefs were false and very limiting, but it took some soul searching to truly "get it."

Working with our company and  throwing my soul into the ring of "personal journey" has been the most exciting, inspiring, life-affirming decision I've ever made!  I feel so inspired some days that I write and speak and connect with people and the words I say and write feel as though they are coming directly from a higher place and passing through me- I am just the vehicle and they flow easily and peacefully, without a hesitation or blip from me.  This type of life, this "living on purpose" is what I am asking you, as the reader, to be open to.  This place of questioning- do you love your life?  Are you jazzed to get up in the am and make a difference in the world?  Do you feel powerful enough to make a difference?  Is your life a contribution to others?  Are you proud of who you have become?  These are soulful questions and sometimes it's just easier to not go there and stay in our small world of "comfortably miserable" or it's sister, "blissfully numb."   You know who you are- out there, living way within your comfort zone.  There is no judgement, there's just the question- "Is that all you really think you are?"

Listen, I was living my life from a place of being stuck for a long time.  I stayed in neutral and let life "happen" to me.  I had some moments of happiness, I was not a sad sack, no one knew my inner world was one of anxiety and a longing for more, something more.  My issue?  I did not know what that "something" was.  Now I do.  The personal growth that I have done through network marketing and our company has given  me clarity.  Ready?  It's big....

I wanted to make a difference in the world.  I wanted my life to have left the world a better place than if I had never been born.

Wow.  Isn't that so simple.  Yet, for me, it was profound.  My journey has also led me to understand on a deeper level the difference between being a "people pleaser" and contributing to the lives of others.  I no longer have to be liked by everyone to feel good about myself.  I've learned to care about my own opinion of myself, rather than everyone's opinion of me.  I would rather speak the truth to move a person's life forward, than say the "easy" answer and have that person continue to struggle.  We are all on this journey together and it makes sense to help one another whenever the opportunity presents itself.

I am currently reading an excellent book called, "The Compassionate Samurai" by Brian Klemmer.  Reading is my favorite way to learn and expand my thinking and flow into the next stage of my journey.  Mr. Klemmer has me fully engaged in this concept- a "compassionate samurai" means someone with strong values who can absolutely make anything happen and yet whose whole life is about service.  Think about that for a moment.

He states, "The balance of warrior and compassion is perhaps the most perfect union, combining the enjoyment of outward success with a feeling of integrity and peace.

Everyday I am grateful for the life I live- it is truly the life of my dreams. It's a work in progress and everyday I expand my awareness and vision of my future.  My growth will never stop, there is no "end" or "destination"- there are only higher levels of peace and success. 

Today, ask yourself some questions.  Is your life where you want it to be?  How can you change that?  What steps could you take, right now, that would move you towards being the person you know want to be.  Every moment in our lives is a new opportunity to take on a "new way of being."

I welcome the Fall and the changing of seasons...what will flow into your life this season?

Enjoying the journey,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have a very ugly confession to make and I cringe as I am about to type this.  I am a bailer.  Or, I should say, I was a bailer.  Let me backtrack and then I can move forward....

My entire life has been a series of "bailouts."  I created situation after situation where I got involved in something (new love, new job, new "cause") and I threw myself into from every angle!  Oh yes!  I am your girl!  I can get 'er done!  I am there doing it all, being it all and loving it all. My energy is boundless and I am the shining star of excellence at whatever NEW life scenario is happening.   At some point the newness wears off, the shiny smile starts to fade and the real W-O-R-K sets in.  This is where it gets sticky.  This is where I falter.  This is where the difference between being "interested" and "committed" comes into play.  This, my dear readers, is the true value between 99% and 100% committed.

99% sounds like a great place to be doesn't it?  High up there on the 0-100 scale.  You must be succeeding, right, you're almost all the way to the very top.  ALMOST. Yet so far.

That 1% leaves wiggle room.  That 1% leaves a grey area where excuses are made, rules are bent, integrity is challenged, ideals are lowered, hopes are dashed, dream stealer's gain footing, momentum is lost, marriages are compromised, promises aren't quite kept, opportunity is let go....the list goes on and on.  I have made many, many decisions from the 1% area and looking back can see where I was "bailing out" and the severe life consequences that spawned from those decisions. I am choosing a whole new way of being.  This is a choice we can all make.   The shift in your life will astound you, I promise!

I bailed out when things "got hard", "weren't fun", "didn't press my instant  gratification button" and so on....this is not to say that some situations should be gotten out of, yes, there are many.  I am talking more about when we start down a road that we really feel passionate about.  We feel that excitement in our souls, that life-affirming feeling of "Yes!  This is what I should be doing!  I am living on purpose!"  Then life throws us a few challenges, a few curves to deal with, you know, just to make sure we're really serious about what we want and how badly we want it....You know the Universe, always keeping it fresh & lively!!! 

Well, here's the lesson....when you've traveled down the road, the road you chose, the road you held hope and excitement for being on, and all of a sudden there are some detours and roadblocks, don't bail.  Decide right then and there to make the most important, life-changing commitment of all.  A 100% commitment to yourself.  Commit to living out your dreams.  Make it a done deal.  Nonnegotiable. Case closed. Burn that bridge and never look back.  That is the commitment of a successful person.

"In life the spoils of victory go to those who make a 100% commitment to the outcome, to those who have a 'no matter what it takes' attitude."  -Jack Canfield

Today I am fully committed to the things that matter the most to me in my life.  Myself.  My family.  My partnership with Joe.  My close friends.  The Trump Network. Our Farm- Legacy Farm.    

What are you committed to?  What is your life a stand for in this world?  What do you want to be remembered for?  What is your legacy?

I am a stand for ordinary people leading extraordinary lives.  You?

If you're a card carrying member of the "Bailer's Club", I challenge you.  Suspend your membership and see what happens!  If we jump around from one thing to the next, it gets confusing.  There's no passion, loyalty  or integrity behind the lifestyle of "the bailout."

Decide right now to be committed in the areas of your life that are important to you.  Watch those areas thrive!  Watch your passion grow!  What people step up and support you in your life's endeavors!  You're in it to win it- that's the "attractor factor!"

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." -William Shakespeare

Let's all commit and find out who we really are....


Monday, August 23, 2010

We can have it all!

Many of us grew up with the notion that if we earned high grades, went to college and found a secure, high paying job, found our soul mate, got married and had 2.5 would all end up happily ever after...

Then we woke up.

If you've read my previous blogs, you know me by now, and know that the yellow brick road of my life  has led me to some dark and scary places where flying monkeys and the wicked witch were the least of my worries.  My demons were Bank of America and Chase Auto Loan...along with a few of their speed dialing friends. 

This summer has been such revealing season for me.  We have spent this summer traveling, visiting friends, camping, attending horse shows and truly enjoying the gift of "time freedom."  My children have my full attention and that is what I am most grateful for. Not being tied to a "job" has been a wonderful new world.  Imagine what your life would look like if you had total autonomy.

I woke up one morning a few weeks ago in a quaint bedroom in Block Island, visiting friends, and as I laid there watching the thin, white linen curtain blow in the breeze I was overcome with a sense of peace and gratitude.  My life has transformed.  My journey has taken  a new twist and because I was open to a new business model, one which promotes entrepreneurship, autonomy and teamwork, I now know that I can "have it all."  I am a stay-at-home Mom who can attend every recital, performance, sport practice, riding lesson and everything in between, while also earning a 6 figure income that let's us lead a life of choices and freedom. This is a paradigm shift that will help many families elevate their lives in America and soon across the world.

This industry of network marketing is a Mom's dream.  (Men are hugely successful, too, but for now, I'm thinking about my women friends...;)   The products and testing  are the backbone of our company and our science based products promote health and wellness- starting with our children.  Today I am sending out my Estrogena test- a test that will let me know if I have any "red flags" for Breast Cancer.  Imagine the power of this information!  Know any women who might be interested in knowing where they stand in that area?

I have many goals that I am working towards.  Many areas in my life I am working to add more balance & creativity.   It's a journey.  It's a day by day, step by step adventure and I am living every minute of it fully. 

I am so grateful for the business which gave me my purpose and drive and the company who's mission is right in line with my own- "people helping people live their best life."

What life are you living?


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Business and spirituality go hand in hand....

Yesterday morning I woke up in a lovely bedroom with a warm breeze blowing the thin white curtains.  I was in a guest room, staying with friends on Block Island.  No alarm clock.  No schedule.  I awoke because I was fully rested and my body was following it's natural rhythm.  This is a wonderful way to live- in your natural rhythm.  We grow, expand, change and flow through different seasons.These seasons can be exciting, painful, scary, challenging, vibrant...all of those elements.  What I have found to be true is that on a deep level, we are looking to do something, find a "place" where we make a difference.  Where we contribute to the higher good of all people.  This is what I have found through our company and it's been through dedicating myself 100% that I have found my "purpose" and know that I am living in my natural flow.  Let me explain...

For many years I longed to be "religious."  I was searching for a place where I belonged, where I felt safe and could find peace in the beliefs and people I surrounded myself with.  I was yearning for a "chosen family."  I searched and listened and joined and truly opened my heart up...yet I never was filled with the "inspiration & peace" that I was so longing for.  What I came to find, in all those years of searching, was that my "religion" was already inside of me.  The way I lived my life- my integrity, my values, my contribution and service to others- my everyday life was my religion in motion.  I read a lot about Buddhism and felt the most connected to these teachings- living a mindful life.  So, in the end, that is what I have chosen to do.  I live my values, judge no one for theirs and lead by example, not by words. I am living a spiritual life and it works.

Our business works in a similar fashion.  We lead by example.  We walk the talk.  We lead with integrity.  We are making a major contribution to the lives of many, many people.  Through our network we are spreading health, hope, prosperity, positive energy and best of all- we are getting people back in touch with their dreams and their higher selves!  Whatever you may belive's all under this umbrella of "serving others!" 

In our company we choose our business partners, therefore, we control who we surround ourselves with everday!  What a blessing!  I choose only to work with positive, happy, healthy, fun people who LOVE what we're doing!  Our company allows us the pleasure of creating the atmosphere, attracting the people and manifesting the abundance in our own, natural way!  There is no "right" way!  Network marketing is so brilliant in that there are many roads to success and many different definitions of "success."  We each get to decide what that is for us and then work as a team to achieve it. 

For me, one major aspect of our success is "time freedom."  Three years ago we worked full-time jobs where we had a "boss" who controled 8 hours of our day, 5 days per week.  We were limited.  We were stressed.  We did not feel "at liberty."  When we joined this company, on a leap of faith, we were clear that "time freedom" was one of our goals.  We worked diligently towards that goal, always having the word "FREEDOM" in sight.  When things didn't work out, as they sometimes won't, we felt the disappointment and then got right back to thinking about "FREEDOM."  Never, ever did we take our eye off of our prize- FREEDOM.

This summer has been one of travel, sailing, visiting friends, horse shows, gardening, riding our horses, writing, reading, having great conversations, sharing our company, dreaming, planning and some great free-time lying about in the hammock!!  We have achieved "time freedom" in our lives and for that we have truly grateful hearts. This was all creating by helping others have success on our team.  Everyday we are dedicated to helping other people live their best life.  Our reward- FREEDOM.  What is your highest reward?  Get really clear on what you want and what you're willing to do to achieve it.  From there, anything is possible!

That morning on Block Island my friend, Dee, placed her hand on my heart and said, "We all have grateful hearts."  We were speaking of what we wanted most for our children.  In that moment I was so clear.  I am grateful for Dee and my close-knit group of cherished friends, I am grateful for my family, for my partnership and love with Joe, my health and for the incredible gift of a business that allows me to flow naturally through the journey called, my life. 
